bullwhip effect, supply chain, supplier relationship management

Eliminate the Bullwhip Effect – Communicate with Your Suppliers

Supply chain leaders have been hearing about – and suffering from – the bullwhip effect for quite a while now. What is it and what can we do to strengthen supplier...
classification codes, shipping

Knowing What’s What: Classification Codes

Correctly classifying your imports is crucial. In this QAD Precision Report we look at why classification can be challenging, and how importers can simplify this process. It all comes down to perspective....
preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, PdM, enterprise asset management, QAD EAM

What is Predictive Maintenance (PdM)?

Several years ago, if you had a preventive maintenance program, you were considered to have a solid grasp on maintaining your equipment. As technology has evolved and the ability to collect...
supply chain, supply chain best practices, EV, automotive battery, assembly line

A Golden Opportunity: From EV Prototype to Mass Production

The right product at the right price at the right time. That’s the promise we all make to our customers. Even in the most stable, predictable markets, it can be a...